
Kay and Al AbiounessTurtle Oasis

Our commitment to taking action to save the world’s wildlife and their ecosystems shows in this new guest accessible habitat. Turtle Oasis will provide rescue and rehabilitation for endangered freshwater turtles confiscated by US Fish and Wildlife, demonstrating our commitment to conservation on a local and global scale.

SAFE photo lockup

S.A.F.E. Nationally Recognized Framework

As part of a nationally recognized framework, SAFE (Saving Animals from Extinction), we:

  • Protect threatened animals
  • Build on established recovery plans
  • Encourage collaboration with other AZA accredited institutions and scientists
  • Implement conservation and stakeholder engagement
  • Measure conservation progress
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Meet the biggest and smallest turtles in North America!

turtle being picked up

The Alligator Snapping Turtle

The Alligator Snapping Turtle is the largest freshwater turtle species in North America. Males can weigh as much as 175 pounds. The turtles are aquatic, holding their breath for up to 50 minutes. They are in significant decline due to habitat degradation and over harvesting for their meat.

The Bog Turtle

The critically endangered bog turtle, the smallest freshwater turtle species in North America, at 4.5 inches is only found on the eastern seaboard. Habitat loss and fragmentation as well as forest succession have contributed significantly to their decline.

turtle swimming

Renovation & Reuse

Installed in 1955 as a pool for sea lions, the Virginia Zoo is upcycling this pool to create a freshwater turtle rescue center. This area will be home to critically endangered Virginia turtles confiscated by U.S. Fish and Wildlife.

Phase one of the Oasis is complete. Turtles will be introduced to their new habitat in late May 2024 after a season of brumation. Phase two will include an extension within the EdVenture Campus.

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Conservation & Care

Our outstanding Herpetology department has already demonstrated a track record of success breeding and managing highly endangered bog and spotted turtles. Couple that with future research partnerships with local universities ODU & VWU, the Oasis will quickly live up to it’s name for each and every turtle.